Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year- A New Start

Well here it is 2010. I haven't blogged in nearly 1/2 a year. Time gets away from us.

I've been thinking about time, quality of time, how to spend time, whom to spend time with and the fact that we don't know how much time we have in this life time.

Beyond this life I'm promised and infinity of time- perfect time with Jesus. I can't wait for that. But, right now I am thinking of my earthly time. What does God want me to do with this time? How do I spend it and am I honoring Him?

I tend to think how much of it I have wasted. Thousands of hours of mistakes. It's a continuous battle on some levels. I have spent hours wondering why this or that person dislikes me, or why I have to do something. I've let anger, jealousy, and judgment take up my time.

If I let go of the crap that wastes my time I'd have a lot of free time on my hands- time that could be used positively. How to keep accountable? Pray God will give me the right attitude and strength to stay away from the dark side. To use my power for good not evil. So in this new year I have a renewed hope.

I am not a resolution person. I think it's the best way to set ones self up for failure. This year I will continue to have my "Happy New Day" attitude but my hope is that I will refer to this:

Let your light shine.
Be a source of strength
and courage.
Share your wisdom.
Radiate love.
Wilferd Peterson

I cannot control the actions of others but I can control my actions.
I can't make people like me but I can show love.
I can't assume to know what the future will bring but I can live my life so as to not have regrets or worries.
I can trust that God will guide me and that this journey I take will not be alone or in vain.

So there you have it. That's how I'm rolling this year. My next post may have a list. Perhaps a list of things I'd like to do to make others lives a little bit nicer. Who knows.

Make 2010 count.


sandy said...

you are often my encouragement - thanks. i am expecting great things for 2010. it will be memorable!
thanks for posting.

min said...

have a great 2010 ahead! (: