Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The cast is gone but for how long???

After what seemed like forever, Jack finally got his cast off last week. He had a great Dr. and thought the tool he used to saw off the cast was cool. He is to take it easy for the next couple of weeks. What does that mean? No skate boarding, No diving off the board or going down the water slide, No wrestling, No horse play of any kind and No More Climbing Up Door Frames!! We'll see how this all goes down.

On this day Jack wore a very appropriate shirt. The front said, "I bust mine" and the back said, "So I can kick yours!" The nurse thought it was funny. Jack said, "I pretty much just stick to what the front of it says- I'm not the fighting type."

I hope this is the last time our boy breaks a body part. Wishful thinking!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hope and Turning 70

No one knows how much time they have on this earth. We are not guaranteed tomorrow but I think it's very easy to take tomorrow for granted. Yesterday, we celebrated my father-in-law's 70th birthday. He didn't want to celebrate and has been in a mood most foul lately. His health has been questionable the last year or so. His father and one of his brothers didn't make it to the age of 70. His other brother died at the age of 76. He sees the end in site. This is frightening to him. Why?

I think that he is missing out on HOPE. What I mean is this. He has not accepted Christ as his savior. He doesn't have the "guarantee" that he is going to heaven when this life is over. This hurts my heart!

You can go jumping through the hoops your whole life: I am a good neighbor, I go to church, I've been baptized, I've been confirmed, I am kind, I give to the needed, I've been a "good" person my whole life... this is not what gets you to heaven. Salvation is quite simple really- we just make it harder than it has to be. When Jesus was dying on the cross and one of the thieves who was up there on a cross with him said, "Surely you are the Son of God." Jesus said to him, "Today you will be with me in paradise." That thief accepted Jesus as his Savior and when he died he was with Jesus. That thief had never been baptized, attended church, been confirmed etc., and he went to heaven. Salvation is just an acceptance away. Accepting Christ as your Savior is the only way to Heaven.

My hope is that my father-in-law will see this and ask Jesus in his heart. I want to know that I will see him again one day in the most perfect of conditions. I want my children to know that we will be reunited with all our loved ones in heaven one day.

My daughter once asked my mom if she was going to Heaven and my mom replied, "Well, I don't know, I hope so." Mia said, "Grandma, if you don't know for sure than I'm afraid for you." My mom then started in on me, "You put her up to this, didn't you?" "No" I replied, "She asked me if you were going to Heaven and I told her to ask you- I don't know what your standing with Jesus is." My mom is under the impression that she has done too many bad things and that God won't want her. The thing is WE all fall short- Meaning we are all sinners. No one is better than anyone else. And yet we have a God who loved us enough that he sent his perfect, sinless Son to this world full of sin to take OUR sin to the cross in our place.

Wow!! How amazing is that . I am a flawed, yucky thing and HE still loves me. HE wants and loves ALL of us. The perfect gift.

So I guess what I am saying is this. Every day on earth is a gift. We have a greater gift waiting for us when we leave this earth.

"I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken. Ps 37:25

Happy 70th birthday, Larry. See the beauty and joy that each day brings and know that you are loved. Know that there is something grand waiting on the other side of this life and God wants you to be a part of it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Women who Rock!

Hello people

Today, we took my brother and his children to 10 Minute (our favorite Chinese restaurant) for a lovely family meal. When it came time to open our fortune cookies we all took turns reading aloud what our fortunes said. Mine read, " you will always be surrounded by good friends." My daughter immediate replied, " Wow, mom, that is so true. You've got some of the best friends around." My brother than said, "You must be talking about the ladies I met at your house the other day."

I am so fortunate to have the network of friends that I do. These women are wonderful. The best part is that they are so uniquely different and each has a beauty that is all their own. We have been there for each other through times of trial and times of joy. We can be REAL with one another. We don't compete against each other. Our friendship isn't dependant on what we have to gain by having each other in our lives. Through thick or thin we are there for each other and when one's going through a bump in the road the others will carry her through.

Although we are all different there is one key thing that ties us together. That is our love for Jesus. When Christ is the center of anything it can't be anything but good. I am truly humbled by the people He has placed in my life. Each one of these ladies is such a blessing to me and everyday I thank God for them.