Friday, May 30, 2008

It's a beautiful day!!

The sun is out- Oh happy day. I have been outside planting flowers. I love flowers- they make me happy. They remind me of my grandma and grandpa Katt. They always had a big garden and tons of happy flowers. Every summer, Grandma would enter flowers in the fair. She would enter them in our names and we would collect the reward. Gardening came naturally for her. She always had beautiful gladiolas. She would make large arrangements and take them to church to put on the alter. She made bouquets all the time. She brought a lot of happiness to people with her flowers.
There are certain flowers that remind me of each of my grandparents. Red geraniums remind me of Gma Arlene. Morning glories remind me of Gpa Charles. Gladiolas remind me of Gpa Alvin and roses remind me of Gma Katt. I think thats why I enjoy those specific types of flowers so much.
I do not have a large yard so most of my flowers are in pots or containers of some sort. I do not have a green thumb, but have found some flowers that are hardy enough to live through the summer without me killing them.
I also buy flowers on clearance. About five years ago, I bought this coral colored rose bush on clearance at Wal-Mart for $1.97. I still have it and every year the coral roses bloom like crazy. I noticed that the buds are about to pop again. Thank You, God for beautiful flowers! Amen!

Have a super weekend.

It's a beautiful day!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

All good things come to an end

Good evening!!
It has been a busy week. We have had piano lessons, ball practices, ball games, a tea party, kindergarten graduation and a piano recital just to name a few of our many activities.

The piano recital was wonderful. Mia has such a lovely teacher. He is a retired high school band teacher who happens to belong to the same church we do. Two years ago he started teaching piano to several of the kids from our church. This man is awesome and so patient. He is the kind of music teacher every kid should have. Anyway, Mia likes piano but dislikes practicing so we didn't know what to expect at the recital. She knocked our socks off. She played both songs beautifully. Her teacher even commented that she totally blew him away.

The last day of school was yesterday. Mia was thrilled to be finished, Jack was not. In fact, he sobbed at the end of the day. He was very fortunate to have the very best kindergarten teacher ever. He loves her. She is a family friend and he sees her every day but there is something different when it comes to the teacher/student relationship. I am so very thankful that Jack had the opportunity to have a teacher so passionate about her job and so kind to her students.

I am thankful for great teachers. My kids have had some wonderful teachers this year. Thank you Sandy, Dannika, Tawnya, and Ken for teaching my kids. Your love for the Lord is evident in the way you teach. You are all so very appreciated.

Have a great weekend.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Don't stand so close to me

good monday morning! I have to start off by saying the concert last thurs. rocked. elvis costello was fantastic!! It's funny how you won't hear a song for a long time- even a decade or two and when you finally hear it again you remember it word for word!! the police were terrific! I have to say I felt like I was 15 again. sting, stewart and andy still have it. I was impressed with how cut stings arms were. I mean he is pushing 60 and he was ripped! It makes me want to take better care of myself so I can continue to enjoy life as I get older. speaking of the whole age thing, one thing i noticed at the concert was the vast age range in people. lots of elderly people-- I even noticed a walker or two. Isn't that great!! It is important to enjoy life at all stages. My sister and I certainly had a great time. We had a few youngsters around us who didn't seem to be enjoying themselves and seemed a little hacked off at us because of our excitement. I am pretty sure the young girl next to me didn't know elvis costello or the police. I suspect she was a tag along with her boyfriend. He was having a blast as was his other buddy but all she did was text all night long. Give me a break!! I will say I learned a few things about myself at the concert. 1. I enjoy singing when I can't hear myself sing.( I am totally tone deaf), 2. My bladder is not what it use to be. (I can no longer jump or bounce up and down unless I am wearing depends underpants. 3. Late nights wear me out! ( it took me 2 days to recuperate from the concert. Would I do it again? Absolutely. It was so fun hanging out with my sister and listening to music from early days. It is important to make time to enjoy life.

Today has been busy already. I have been to my daughter's 4th grade tea party. It was lovely!! The children greeted us at the door and walked us to their room. We were served in grand style. The children played several selections on the record and the teacher handed out awards. My daughter was awarded the "Persistant Pupil Award" for working hard, having a positive attitude and never giving up. It was hard for me to keep it together. I am so proud of her. School is something that doesn't come easy for her. She beamed when the teacher gave her the award- my heart was full of joy.

Now I am off to Kindergarten graduation. I have to keep it together but I have this feeling it won't happen. I'll let you know what happens...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hangin' with Sting

Tonight I am going to see Elvis Costello and the Police in concert with my little sister, Catie. Catie had an extra ticket because her husband had work obligations and couldn't go. They were kind enough to give it to me. I am looking forward to a night of great music but mostly I am looking forward to spending quality time with my sis. We will have a wonderful evening for sure.

I voted yesterday. What a privilege it is!! We as Americans have the freedom to be heard. I am so thankful for that.

Well, not much more going on here. I need to tidy up the house, pack my bag, get meals prepared so that things will flow smoothly while I am gone. Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Uncle J.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Jack. May your 45th year be a Rockin' one!!

I feel so safe knowing I am in the midst of these three.