Sunday, August 31, 2008

I made it through the first week!!!

Well, I am now a working mom. For almost 12years I have been a stay-at-home momma. Now, I am working with the most interesting people in the world- preschoolers. I am a para-professional (which is just a glorified way of saying Teachers-Aide which I don't mind being called).
Anyway, this is the first year of preschool at the elementary school so it's a new wild ride for many people. I will admit that I didn't know if I was coming or going last week and I am fairly certain the lunch staff at the school think I am a big head case. It was a little crazy but I loved it.
I work with very nice people and we get along which great. We are all different but have something to contribute and we encourage each other. I look forward to seeing them each day.
The best part of the job is the kids. Man, little kids are so full of wonder. And they are so honest- brutally honest- I will get to that in a second. I think that maybe we'd all be in a better place if the next president was a 4 year old. Honesty and character- think about it.

Well, kids tell it like it is and here are few things that they had to say at school.
1. I complemented a little girl on her outfit. It was clearly a new school outfit and she was very proud of it. The killer was when I asked her if it was new she said, " My mommy bought it for me. She had to hide it from daddy though, he says she buys too many clothes."
2. A little boy came out the restroom with his zipper down, I told him he should zip up and he said," I will zip it right now, I don't want my cows to get out!"
3. I was reading a little girl a story and she looked at me and said,"what's your breath smell like?" my reply, "I don't know does it smell?' her reply," yes, it's bad. Continue reading please."

I never know what to expect out of them. I look forward to week number 2 but I will totally be carrying my Listerine spray with me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Still Crazy after all these years...........

This week Tim and I will celebrate our 13th year of marriage. It seems like just yesterday we were just saying "I do". Time flies when you're having fun so they say.

A lot has happened in the last 13 years. We have gone through ups and downs- joys and sorrows. Every year is better than the last. I really have a most wonderful husband.

As I reflect back on the last 13 years ( and yes, here comes yet another list) I have been thinking about what has our marriage a happy and healthy one.

1. We have never gone a day without saying, "I love you".
I do mean it every time I say it. It is important for you spouse to hear you say that. If you can say, "put the lid down would ya!" and mean it, you can also say " I love you" and mean it.

2. Going to bed angry is not an option.
If you carry your anger over to the next day, it's way to easy to keep hanging on to it. Let it go. Let it go.

3. You don't always need to be right.
I had a big problem with this when we first got married. I have since settled myself down and realized I am not perfect.

4. Don't put your children before your marriage.
It took me some time to get this one as well. When we had our first child I poured everything I had in to being the perfect mom. In doing that, I totally blew off my role as wife to Tim. Your heart grows and always has enough love to share.

5. Don't get bent out of shape over trivial things.
Is the toilet seat really worth blowing up over?

6. There is nothing wrong with having time to yourself.
We all need time to reflect, think, pray, chill etc.

7. Compromise.
You need to be willing to bend a little and sometimes a lot. Team work is the way to go.

8. Humor.
I have a billion stories to back this one.

9. Communication
It's like air water and sunshine.

10. Faith.
I would say that this is the most important. Tim and I are able to start and end each day knowing God is at the head of our family. With this comes contentment, grace, joy, compassion, discipline, work, hope, endurance, and peace.

Happy anniversary, Tim. I love you!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

music to my ears......

Happy Thursday!!

Well, today I will talk about music. There is good music, and bad music. Good performers and bad ones. I will be giving my opinion of all that's bad in music. Remember, it's a free country and I am entitled to my opinion just as you are yours.

Performers I am allergic to:
1. Celine Dion- I literally feel like I am hearing nails on a chalk board- really.
2. Reba McEntire- Twangy twang twang. And the fake accent drives me insane.
3. Boy George- Do you really want to hurt me with your so called music?
4. Kenny Rogers- the best thing he's ever done is chicken.
5. Cher- It's not her voice people enjoy it's the costumes
6. Victoria Principle- Remember the duet with Andy Gibb? If not, consider yourself lucky.
7. Henry Rollins- He is extremely intellegent and his lyrics are proof. However, his music is so angry and full of aggression it scares me.
8. Bjork- This is the chick who wore the swan dress to the academy awards. She sings as well as she dresses.
9. Kathy Lee Gifford- I can't get passed the fact that she was the La La girl on Name That Tune back in the 70's. She was also the voice of Carnival Cruise Lines for years.
10. Boy bands, cheesy girl singers who leave little to the imagination and the like- This is a broad one and quite frankly I don't even want to go there.
11. Air Supply

Songs that I will not tolerate listening to:
1. Anything from the soundtracks Grease or Footloose. Listening to that rubbish would not be almost paradise.
2. American Pie by Don McClain. I remember being in 1st or 2nd grade and Elizabeth Backus singing it on the playground. I fell off the trapeze and landed on my head that day.
3. Everything I do (theme song from Robin Hood). This song was song at my brother Mike's wedding and the singer did not fare well. I shiver just thinking about it.
4. If I could turn back time- by Cher. Whoaaaa ,I can't handle that one
5. Leader of the Pack- I don't know who sings it but I dislike it immensely
6. Convoy- C.W. McCall- the 70's at it's worst.
7. Memories by Barbra Streisand- I actually like some of her stuff with Maurice Gibb.
8. Island In The Stream. A duet by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. 1983 at it's worse
9. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Again, I don't know who sings it but I loath it. If you want Breakfast at Tiffany's read the book.
10.Memories from the Broadway musical, CATS--- Put me out of my misery, PLEASE!!
11. Morning Train by Sheena Easton. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Well, there you have it. If I have offended you please don't take it personally. We all have different tastes in music and that's a good thing.

Speaking of good things. Here are a couple of songs I have recently downloaded to my ipod. Check them at at itunes.

Whatever You're Doing- By Sanctus Real- If you love Jesus you'll like this song.
Voices Carry- Til Tuesday- Punk- Rock- Broken- Hearted- Love- Song
I'll Be You- The Replacements- Post- punk tune from '88'! Great to walk to.

Have a great day and Rock On my friend.