Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good things and not so good things

Music on my ipod- good. Listening to Celine Dion in the dentist office- Bad.

Coffee press coffee- Good. Church coffee- bad. (don't be offended. It's just that I like mine black as night and church coffee is really weak.)

Weekends- good. Mondays- Bad. (only if they are rainy day Mondays- Ask Karen Carpenter.)

Sense of humor- good. Crabby crusty people-bad. Lighten up, Man!!

Comfortable denim- good. High waisted jeans- really bad. If you want your bum to looked even bigger than it is high waisted denim is the way to go.

A good nights sleep- good. 7 hr. nap- bad.

Field trips with youngsters- good. Field trips to circus to see scary clowns- bad

My brother, Michael- good. Brett Michaels- Bad and don't even get me started on that dude.

My friends, Good. Grudge carriers- bad. It's all about forgiveness, baby.

My sister, Cate- good. Hardly ever getting to see her- bad.

My retro cruiser- good. Flat tire- bad.

Shorts weather- good. My jiggly legs- bad

Hershey almond kisses- good. Consuming a whole entire bag at once- bad. It's all about portion control- yeah, tell it to the hormones .

Being able to hang with my bro again- good. the last 10 years of missing him- bad.

Moving on- good. Hate- very, very bad.