Sunday, July 12, 2009

Women who Rock!

Hello people

Today, we took my brother and his children to 10 Minute (our favorite Chinese restaurant) for a lovely family meal. When it came time to open our fortune cookies we all took turns reading aloud what our fortunes said. Mine read, " you will always be surrounded by good friends." My daughter immediate replied, " Wow, mom, that is so true. You've got some of the best friends around." My brother than said, "You must be talking about the ladies I met at your house the other day."

I am so fortunate to have the network of friends that I do. These women are wonderful. The best part is that they are so uniquely different and each has a beauty that is all their own. We have been there for each other through times of trial and times of joy. We can be REAL with one another. We don't compete against each other. Our friendship isn't dependant on what we have to gain by having each other in our lives. Through thick or thin we are there for each other and when one's going through a bump in the road the others will carry her through.

Although we are all different there is one key thing that ties us together. That is our love for Jesus. When Christ is the center of anything it can't be anything but good. I am truly humbled by the people He has placed in my life. Each one of these ladies is such a blessing to me and everyday I thank God for them.

1 comment:

sandy said...

ditto to you my friend - i love this post.